Sunday, November 6, 2011


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Getting ready for MCQs

Doing the MCQ paper i guess is the hardest thing that a medical students have.

You can't just go and do the MCQ paper how much you have studied since people who make MCQs are cunny and they want us to go wrong not right.

You have to practice with a lot of MCQ book that we have on the market and also with all the past paper that you can get your hand on.
And the golden rule in doing MCQS better is.. you have to make ur own questions with them.
That will improve your knowledge alot and you'll know the areas that you haven't gotten in touch.

Writing an essay answer

Writing a long answer is hard thing to start for medical students.

I'm going to tell you how to do it perfectly.

When you get a question read it carefully and understand the question, that's the first thing to do.
Then underline or get the important keywords of the question
Then start writing.
When writing first of all introduce the terms that should be used in the question and the definitions of them.
Then build your answer according to the question giving fact to support your answer.

Write quickly, write as much as you know. DO NOT LOOSE TRACK OF YOUR TIME.. that's the most important since you wont be able to write all the questions which will be disastrous.

Studying Anatomy

Anatomy is suppose to be hard part for most of the medical students since it has a heck of things to remember and to recall at the exam and at vivas.
First of all i have to tell you that anatomy isn't something that have to remember but you have to UNDERSTAND.
But as medical students what we have to know is anatomy is essential for the practice of medicine.
Anatomy is easy when u study it little by little with a great understanding of related structures.
You must do the dissections and see the cadavers in order to gain a perfect three dimensional understanding of anatomy. No book in the world can do that for you.
Only the specimens will do it.
Surface marking is also important. As medical students you have to know about surface marking and identify the anomalies in surface marking.
Radiological studies are also important in understanding anatomy.

My golden rule in learning anatomy.
Don't study and by heart anatomy.

Books For Medical Students

Here are some books that medical students should read... well it is not ethical to put the download link i didn't put them

Anatomy :-

Grey's anatomy

There are two types of Grey's anatomy books
one is the student and the other one is the complete one.. Student greys is enough for first and second year students and the complete one is very complete and its hard to finish the whole book. The diagrams are accurate and very clear in both the student and complete greys books.

Snell's Clinical Anatomy

Snell is good and it touches almost all clinical things that a 2nd year medical student should know. diagrams are not as nice as greys but they are good and can be understood. they are not 3d diagrams

Ellis's Clinical anatomy

This one is easy to study. Has alot of clinical facts. But subtle anatomical facts are missing in this book. For a distinction i won't recommend to read solely this book. But for clinical stuff.. this is the best in the business.

Chaurasia's Anatomy

A book that medical students love. Everything is in point form and easy to read and remember. Diagrams are soo crappy but they have improved them in the latest

Physiology :-

Medical physiology by Guyton

A huge book with alot of facts. Given in a simple and in an understanding away but the size of the book is soo huge so that its demoralizing for anyone to read and finish reading everything.

Medical physiology by Ganong

Written by one of the best physiologists in the world, William ganong. This is one of ma favourite books. It has everything on it. But the english is a little hard to understand other than that the book is perfect.

Bio chemisty :-

Harpers Biochemistry

Has alot of facts like guyton and the english is okay to understand. But the facts are too much so that u get confused somewhat.

Biochemistry by lippincott

A very good book. very easy to understand. Illustrated diagrams make it so easy to understand the theories and to remember them easily. I recommend this book for bio chem.

These books are for 1st and 2nd year medical students..
Books for other years will be discussed later

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

TV serieses that medical students watch

House MD is one tv series that i can guarantee that a medical student once start watching he will never stop. It is the best in the bussiness these days.
Greys anatomy, ER, OR, All saints are some more. But they aren't as good as house md.

Cardiac Stenting

When a patient is having a coronary artery block one method of relieving the block is by using a cardiac stent. Cardiac stent is a device which looks like a rolled tube made out of a metal net.
The stent is inserted via the femoral artery or via an artery in the arm via a catheter and it is guided to the place where the block is by looking at a dynamic angiogram.
Then this stent is inflated by a balloon inside the stent and the balloon is deflated again and taken back with the catheter while the stent is kept in the place where the blockage is, so that its not going to get occluded again. The stent provides a support to the damaged artery.
There are drug elluting stents which ellute a drug when the stent is placed so that atheroma plaque won't get deposited at the site of the stent again.
The price of the stent varies with the features it has.